Student MEA Meeting

The purpose of the Student MEA meeting session was so that student members could meet members from other Universities and discuss any objectives, plans, or previous events. At this meeting were students from Farmington, Presque Isle, and Orono. The meeting focused primarily around the revisions made to the Student MEA Constitution. The other major topic was a plan to create a conference that focused specifically on undergraduate and first-year teacher development.

The ways in which they facilitated conversation were especially effective. The discussion started with a talking stick being handed around to each person. The person said their name, place, and major. This provided everyone an opportunity to understand the background of the people present. This most likely allows the MEA to see the diversity present at their meetings. The meeting was then facilitated by the MEA Representative and the student Co-Presidents. They set the agenda for the day. If an individual wished to speak, the individual would signal and be allowed to speak once anyone speaking had finished.

The conversation was well-balanced and smooth, which I would like to replicate in my classroom. I have written procedures for how to facilitate a debate and classroom discussion. I would like to expand this list to include civil conversations and Socratic circles.


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