Atlantic Article Documentation

This article is meant to be inflammatory. The authors' hostile approach towards the subject matter drastically oversimplifies a pressing educational concern. The writing of the article is quite reactionary, similar to an individual complaining about how things aren't how they use to be. Issues such as authentic personal trauma, social power disparities, and subconscious biases are trivialized. The authors present these issues as a sensational overreaction rather than actually examining their roots. They use trigger warnings and microaggression as off-hand, poorly conceived, and tasteless jokes. This ineffective approach immediately destroys any potential for an honest and open conversation. In closing, I would like to share the most effective way I have seen a Professor present their content and acknowledge trauma/biases. "This class will be discussing rape, slavery, torture, death, and other very sensitive topics inherent to slavery almost daily. It is impossible for me to overlook these topics because they are part of the slave experience. I will do everything I can to moderate and structure these discussions, but we will be discussing them."


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