Planning for Instruction

By understanding both student's learning style, MI, expertise, concerns, and ultimate goal, I can develop an effective semester-long agenda for each student. For Student A, I created a schedule that focuses primarily on addressing content. Each meeting session focuses on one of the six major content areas addressed in the Praxis 2. These sessions each begin with establishing the student's baseline, referring to Praxis content materials, answering formative assessment questions, and discussing content. For Student B, I have laid out a similar system of weekly topical meetings. However, the content is supplemented with hypothetical question types, test format, and effective testing strategies.

As an educator, each individual has a preferred means of receiving content in order to meet the standard. In a classroom of learners, the best way to ensure student success is to provide multiple means of instruction and assessment. Mixing direct instruction, small-group work, activities, and personal reflection provides the best way for students to demonstrate understanding.


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