My Personal Philosophy

I am a pragmatic individual. I understand the world as a constantly changing set of interconnected problems. This may seem ironic given that I am a Social Studies Concentration focusing primarily on History. Most people view History as set in stone and unchanging, something that a pragmatist should be unconcerned with. I, however, know that History is always changing based on new information. This aligns with my belief that the world is constantly changing. I also believe that experience, simulations, and perspective provides the best means of learning. Only through individual growth and open-mindedness can one learn. This further connects with my humanistic viewpoint in education. I believe that it is the role of the educator to translate their content for the students based on the class's interest. I believe that students should be given the freedom to explore their interests within the social studies. As a Pragmatic Humanist, I aspire to give my students authentic learning experiences based upon their personal interests.


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